
  • Lemburger
  • 1 Bun
  • 1 Meat
  • 1 Cheese
  • 1 Tomato
  • 1 Hot ‘n’ Fizzy Sauce

Burgers have a somewhat undeserved reputation as junk food. It is indeed true that there are some pretty poor examples out there, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t have good burgers if we try. The Lemburger is an important foodstuff in Glitch: it’s not only named after one of the giants, but there’s a whole quest dedicated to making them and then donating the results to Lem. Now, for a giant to have such an insatiable craving for these burgers, we can only assume that they must be pretty good. No fast food here, these are real burgers. Burgers fit for a giant.

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Cheezy Sammich

Cheezy Sammich

  • Cheezy Sammich
  • 1 Bun
  • 1 Cheese

Now that we’ve learned how to make Buns, we can start putting things inside them. Welcome to the world of sandwiches, or in Glitch-parlance, sammiches. People have been eating breads of various kinds along with other foods for thousands of years, but it wasn’t until the eighteenth century that the idea of placing slices of food between two pieces of bread started to catch on.

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